FOBO - Fear Of Better Option
The freedom of choice enhances feelings of autonomy, freedom and promotes one‘s sense of personal control. But increased choice may actually be detrimental to decision-making. Studies conducted by Iyengar and Lepper (1999, 2000) found that those provided with fewer options in a decision-making task derived greater satisfaction from their decision outcomes. According to research, the “fear of better options”, a phenomenon also called “ maximization” is the relentless pursuit of all possible options for fear that you’ll miss out on the “best” one, leading to indecision, frustration, stress, regret, and unhappiness. When we face too many attractive choices, we feel anxious about missing out. Many peole are terrified of missing out on anything that looks exciting. It’s paradoxical. It’s perfectly normal to strive for a better option. But when you are obsessed with everything you are missing or will miss when you make a a decision, will constantly be in the state of ...